Service standards and customer care

What you can expect from our service

With the help of our customers we have developed these Service Standards which explain the level of service you can expect from each of the Housing Service areas.

We will review these standards with our customers. We will also monitor and report on our performance through a number of methods, such as our Annual Report and on the website.

These are the most up to date Service Standards offered by Housing Services and replace previous standards.

To deliver quality services we believe in listening to and acting on your feedback.

You can expect the whole service to:

  • Treat you with respect and be welcoming, courteous and fair
  • Provide information in a format that is clear, meaningful, and jargon free
  • Provide a range of options for our customers to comment on, scrutinise, and improve the Housing Service
  • Ensure our website has the latest up to date information
  • Seek to ensure value for money in all of our services and always remember that the money we spend comes from rent paid by our tenants
  • Promote our comments, compliments, and complaints process. We value your views about services and strive to improve areas where we could do better
  • Measure how satisfied customers are with our services and use your feedback to improve performance
Document Type Size
Green Space Commitments pdf 1.8MB
Antisocial Behaviour Service Standards html -
Domestic Abuse Standards html -