Corporate estate and assets

We develop and manage a programme of improvements that keep our properties well maintained for the benefit of our customers.

We will:

  • Inform you of the nature and length of improvements, including the name of the contractor and a contact number
  • Ensure all contractors working in your home, block or local area comply with our code of conduct
  • Consult with you on any options and choices there may be when we are improving your home or block

We aim to ensure all our homes meet the Decent Homes Standard which means they must:

  • Meet the minimum safety standards for housing
  • Be in a reasonable state of repair
  • Have reasonably modern facilities
  • Have efficient heating and effective insulation

To do this we aim to carry out a property condition survey every six years, and produce an active 30 year plan for improving our housing. The property condition survey is a general survey of the property which enables us to update our records with details of its current condition, and helps ensure that our homes meet the Decent Homes Standard.

Please visit our Planned Maintenance Program page for further information.
